Generally speaking, we all have Wisdom Teeth, although some of us may be missing one or more of them. Extractions are performed for a variety of reasons, most commonly to remove teeth that are damaged due to periodontal (gum, bone, connective tissue) disease, tooth decay, or from dental trauma such as an accident, toothache or sports injury.
In some cases, Wisdom Teeth are able to erupt and function as a valuable asset, but often times they are not. A tooth becomes impacted (trapped in the jaw bone) when there is a lack of space in the dental arch. This can promote gum infections, pain, possible cyst formation, crowding or damage to nearby teeth.
At some point a problem usually arises. It is for this reason that many dentists recommend that wisdom teeth be removed between the ages of 17 and 22 whether they are causing problems or not. The younger you are when you have your wisdom teeth removed, the less likely complications will arise with the procedure.
On average, it takes less than 30 minutes to extract all four wisdom teeth. For patients who might be anxious about having their Wisdom Teeth or any other tooth extracted, we offer several levels of sedation to ensure your comfort:
Contact AXIS Dental Group today to learn more about removing Wisdom Teeth or for any other Dental Extraction. You can book a free consultation with one of our dentists to discuss this in detail.